A diverse group of peopleDo you want to make a difference and help make Wales the best country in the world for people with a learning disability to live, learn, love and work? If you are committed to our values and have lived or professional experience, then this could be an exciting opportunity for you.

We have 6 vacancies on our Board of Trustees for representatives from:

  • a family carer organisation
  • a family support provider organisation
  • a supported employment organisation
  • a self-advocacy organisation
  • interested individuals.


We are particularly keen to hear from you if you are:

  • a person with a learning disability

and / or

  • a person from the global majority.

If you think you might need support to be a trustee, we can help by making sure you are supported to get ready for meetings so that you can fully take part.

For further information see below:

Being a trustee leaflet

Trustee Job Description

Learning Disability Wales Strategic Plan

Learning Disability Wales Annual Report

How to apply:

Trustee application form 2024-2027

If you need help or more information please phone Joanne Moore on 029 20681160 or email joanne.moore@ldw.org.uk.

Closing date for applications: 15 October 2024

Trustee elections: New trustees will be chosen by our members at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 22 October 2024.

If you would like to attend our AGM, please complete the AGM booking form.