We’re delighted to introduce 4 new members of our staff team at Learning Disability Wales: Rhian McDonnell (Accessible Communications Officer), Iwan Good (Membership Events and Engagement Co-ordinator), and Nicola Alsept (Finance Administrator).

We asked Michael, Rhian, Iwan and Nicola to tell us about themselves, and their roles at Learning Disability Wales. You can read Michael’s profile here, Iwan’s profile here, and Nicola’s profile here.

Young woman with glasses and bobbed hair wearing a stripy red and white tshirtRhian

I have recently joined the Easy Read Wales team, working with Laura, Inacia and Julie. I write and design easy read documents for our clients, as well as making the documents digitally accessible.

Learning Disability Wales stood out immediately when I was looking for a new position. It sounded like a great place to work, and it is! I’m really enjoying the chance to make a positive difference in a role I am truly passionate about. It’s fantastic to work in an organisation that provides worthwhile services to individuals and the wider community.

The digitally accessible easy read format reduces the barriers to communication and interaction that many people with learning disabilities face. It means they are not excluded from using services and products and their voice can be heard.

I believe it’s important to build accessibility into a document from the beginning of the design process. I have a degree in Graphic Design and have extensive experience designing documents and other items for print and digital output. I have worked with clients from private, public, voluntary and community sectors, producing high quality graphic design for a wide range of end products.

Print and design has always been a core interest of mine. My key interest (which I wrote my dissertation about) is how the interplay of pictures, words and the use certain typefaces and layouts can help or hinder reading. So my role in Easy Read Wales is a great fit!

My lived experience as a disabled person has given me a unique view. Being different in one way has helped me understand people who are different in another. I have experienced first-hand how difficult it can be in this world to be different and not have your needs considered. This has made me more determined to help others in similar situations.

Outside of work you can usually find me reading with a cat on my lap, eating too much dark chocolate and drawing and painting with lots of bright colours.

I enjoy working with clients both large and small, in and outside of Wales, helping them to solve their easy read, design and accessibility challenges.