Some people with a learning disability are more than six times as likely to die from coronavirus as the general population and we are asking for specific adjustments to be made to protect those most at risk.  

The Learning Disability Consortium needs your help to ask for these changes. The Learning Disability Consortium* is made up of third sector national organisations working in Wales to promote the rights of people with a learning disability and their family carers.

Email your Member of the Senedd

Please email your Member of the Senedd and ask them to write to the Minister for Health and Social services and the Chief Medical Officer for Wales. 

  1. Tenants and staff in learning disability supported living schemes and residential care settings to be moved to priority group 1.
  2. Ensure the Welsh Government / Public Health Wales guidance which defines people with a learning disability in priority group 6 is co-produced with people with learning disabilities and their family and carers.
  3. Family carers of disabled children under the age of 16 who are shielding have access to the vaccine in priority group 4.

We have prepared a message for you to send to your Member of the Senedd. You can find the email and take action here.

Please take part in this important campaign – email your Member of the Senedd now.

* The Learning Disability Consortium is made up of third sector national organisations working in Wales to promote the rights of people with a learning disability and their family carers. Membership includes All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers, All Wales People First, Cymorth Cymru, Down’s Syndrome Association, Learning Disability Wales, and Mencap Cymru.