A diverse group of young peopleBetsi Cadwaladr University Health Board has launched a new project to capture experiences from a diverse range of people as they transition into adulthood, with an aim to improve the care and support they receive.

The 100 Stories Project North Wales, which is being led by the Health Board’s Neurodevelopmental and Learning Disability Services, is about working with people across different services, to understand their experiences and stories.

What is this project about?

The project wants to understand better what happens when young people involved with Learning Disability, Neurodevelopment or CAMHS Services move into adult services?

This is sometimes called ‘transition.’

The project wants to understand this by working with people who have real-lived experience.

Who can sign up?

Any adult over the age of 18 who has experience of learning disability, neurodevelopment or CAMHS (Children’s Mental Health) services and lives in North Wales.

You could be a patient, former patient, parent or carer, sibling or a professional.

What will you be doing?

  • Learning new skills in leadership.
  • Sharing your thoughts, experiences, and views with others.
  • Making a story of your experience and telling it in a way, which is comfortable to you.
  • Working with others to plan how we can make services better for young people and adults.

When will it be?

There will be online ‘welcome’ events in August 2023.

The project will be starting to work in their ‘face to face’ groups from September 2023.

There will be 6 to 9 sessions over 6 months. You will need to be free to take part in all sessions.

Where will it be?

Most of the project’s work with you will be done face to face.

There will be one or two online sessions. The project will try to pick a venue or place as close to where you live as possible.

You will need to arrange your own transport to and from your group.

How will you be supported?

Someone from the project will meet with you to talk about the project first. This will help us to understand how we can best support you.

They will have regular chats and check in’s (meetings) with you.

They will make sure the information we give you is easy to understand.

If you are not ok or not feeling yourself, they will talk to you about what support you need and what help they can offer.

More Information

If you would like to have more information about this project or speak to Christy and Eirian, the project leads, please phone contact:

Christy: Christy.Hoskings@Wales.nhs.uk / 07813 720 568

Eirian: Eirian.wynne2@wales.nhs.uk / 07581 037 079